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I feel ashamed.
Although my subject is biology. I don't know if the dropping of bird is warm or cold? Hehe , I think the bird is warm-blood animal its temperiture is constant.

时间:1/16/2004 3:47:12 PM

Glad to appricate your diary.
I m admiring you and Mrs humming. I can read your English fluently, but I can't speak without dictionary. I find that I can only remember the simply words , although the complicated were memoried in my mind , I can not recall them immediately. How can I do? I m wondering.
It's nice to meet you here.

时间:1/16/2004 3:14:32 PM

Mary's parents take her to the seaside for a holiday one summer. The weather is hot and Mary likes ice creams. Her parents take her to the shops every morning for a walk and they always buy her an ice cream. Then they go to the beach. There is a wide road that is beside the beach and there is a small wall at the side of it. Mary likes sitting on the wall and eating her ice cream and looking at the people swimming in the sea. One day some people are on the beach sitting under Mary, and a piece of her ice cream falls a little boy. He looks up and sees a big bird in the sky.
  "Do those birds live in fridges?" He asks

时间:1/15/2004 10:20:21 PM

Enjoy the challenges and enjoy the life
Take strength from meeting the challenges, and move ahead.The struggles you face are just what you need to fulfill your potential for greatness.

时间:1/11/2004 11:06:31 PM

Hi, Uncle
Thank you for your praise. I will write to you soon. I slipped on the ground and hurt my left arm when I was skating this afternoon. I have to type use only one hand now.
best wishes

时间:1/11/2004 7:48:46 PM

hi,lovely girl! Surely you are younger than my daungher , but your English writting is very well. Best wishes to your great progress every day !

时间:1/11/2004 1:22:41 PM

happy winter vacation
I am sure you will do everything good according to your desires. No matter what you will read and what you will study, all the thing would be good to your future. Reading happily and studying happily. You will have a wonderful vacation.
Happy winter!

时间:1/9/2004 5:00:03 PM

Re:hi, so lovely(回复humming)
hey, humming,thank you for replying me. I am very happy to hear from you. Maybe i will do the things which you have said, but maybe i won't.So just wait and see,OK?

时间:1/9/2004 1:07:32 PM

hi, so lovely
HI, my angel
Your writing today is very good, I enjoy it very much. Keep on doing.
I am not a student now. And I'll no long be a student. So sad. In my eyes, being a student is a great happiness. There is another saying that there is a city surrounding by wall, people inside always want to go out, and the others outside always want to enter it. In fact something what is still in your palm is the most valuable thing. Just hold the things you own now, just do your best on the jobs what you are facing.And then you will have a brighter outlook.
best wishes

时间:1/8/2004 8:07:07 PM

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